Hair Tie Tutorial

Happy Tuesday guys! I’ve finally got enough help here that I can focus on the blog and doing some fun tutorials for you. I get a LOT of questions about the glitter and foldover elastic hair ties seen around these days.  Don’t know what I’m talking about? Here’s a sample photo!

Now people use these either as hair ties/ponytail holders or bracelets. I love to accessorize my outfits with them. As a hair tie the great thing is they don’t “crinkle” your hair when you take them out-so genius! Now you’ll need the following materials

1) 10-12″ of elastic (glitter or FOE both work really well). You can find them on our site here. I prefer 10″ because I like them to fit fairly tight on my hand, but 12″ would work well also!

2) scissors

3) lighter or matches to heat seal the ends after you cut.

Hair ties are SO simple, so enjoy this tutorial and feel free to share with your friends!

Step One:

Cut the elastic to about 10 or 12″ in length (either really is fine, just depends on how tight you like it).

Now after you’ve cut the elastic you’ll want to fold it in half.

Now all you need to do is tie a knot at the open ended side of the elastic. Here’s the after picture, you do want to make sure to leave a little bit of extra AFTER the knot so it doesn’t slip out once the tie is in use (see below for what I mean).

After you’ve done that you’ll want to heat seal the ends so your elastic doesn’t fray or tear.

And that is literally your finished project! I did up a few (and yes they are on a PostIt notepad haha). But this gives you the general idea. Mix up glitter and foldover elastic, try the thinner 3/8″ elastic.  Try blinging them out with a bedazzler or adding beads and buttons. There are SO many options! I even thought it would be adorable to monogram the little tips prior to knotting them.

And here’s a photo of my hand next to them so you can get an idea of the sizing versus an actual person 🙂

And another using them as bracelets, so much fun!

This would be just darling with our new (and exclusive) polka dot glitter elastic-so darling!

You can also find our foldover elastics here. Try neon, tie dye, regular solid colors, neutrals-the possibilities are endless!

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